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Weather Damage and Your Home Insurance Policy


Depending on the terms of your home insurance policy, some weather-related damages may not be covered. To ensure you have sufficient coverage, you must first understand what weather claims are typically covered under a standard home insurance policy.

Perils typically covered under your insurance policy include:

  • Lightning strikes—Lightning may result in severe smoke or fire damage, or cause power surges that can damage appliances or electronics in your home.
  • Hail, wind and fallen trees—All three can lead to a variety of damages to your home that are typically covered under a homeowner’s policy.
  • Frozen pipes—Frozen pipes and a small variety of other water-related damages may be covered under your insurance policy. The source of the water can determine your insurance coverage.

Perils often excluded from your insurance policy include:

  • Sewer backups and flooding—Certain water damage that may be due to negligence will typically not be covered under your policy.
  • Hurricanes, floods and earthquakes—Most natural disasters are not covered under a standard home insurance policy. However, you may be able to purchase separate policies if certain disasters are common in your area.

Talk to MountainOne Insurance today to determine what weather damage is covered under your homeowners insurance policy.

By Zywave, Inc.

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