Rising Property Replacement Costs

Commercial property losses and insurance premiums have significantly increased over the past two years due to environmental and economic factors. Undervaluation of the replacement costs for a damaged building or equipment can also be linked to commercial property insurers experiencing high loss costs. To compensate, insurers continue to increase premiums, with rates rising 8.7% in […]

Cyber Hygiene Best Practices

As cyberattacks become more frequent and severe it is increasingly important for organizations to practice good cyber hygiene to minimize their exposure to risk. Cyber hygiene refers to habitual practices ensuring critical data and connected devices are handled safely. This article discusses the importance of cyber hygiene for organizations and best practices. Importance of Cyber […]

Five Strategies for Reducing Workers’ Compensation Costs

When a company experiences significant increases in workers’ compensation costs, it usually triggers internal activities aimed at reducing insurance costs and spending. The key to spending fewer dollars is more than just stopping a few accidents; it is having a sound safety program designed to continuously improve. This is where a safety program that, at […]