Health Screenings at Work

Your workforce is your company’s biggest strength. However, when that workforce isn’t as healthy as it could be, the organization suffers. Keeping your employees physically and emotionally healthy is a key part of keeping your organization strong. Unfortunately, sometimes a doctor’s appointment takes significant time out of the day. It can be particularly challenging for […]

Why Is Your Deductible So High?

As we move past the emergency phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s tough to predict how much health care costs will increase. But one thing most experts agree on is that costs will indeed go up, anywhere between 4% to 10%. Prescription drug spending is also expected to rise. Rising health care costs Health care […]

Are Your Holiday Gifts Safe for Children?

The Consumer Product Safety Commission reports toy-related injuries led to 206,400 emergency room visits in 2021. Most of them involved children 12 and younger. To enjoy this year’s holiday gifts worry-free, educate yourself about the dangers of toys and how to keep your kids safe. Common toy-related injuries According to The Emergency Center, an independent […]

5 Before-Work Strategies To Improve Your Workday

Your morning sets the tone for the rest of your day. To achieve a positive, productive effort at work, it helps to maximize your time before you clock in. Try these five strategies to establish a routine that jump-starts your morning and builds momentum for a better day: Make time Rushing to get ready starts […]

Avoid Surprise Hikes to Your Medicare Premiums

Nobody wants to be surprised by higher premiums — especially in retirement. With Medicare Part B and Part D, there are strategies that may help you avoid increased monthly payments. The issue Most people receive Medicare Part A (hospital insurance) for free. But monthly premiums apply to every individual with Medicare Part B (medical insurance) […]

Does Your Medicare Advantage Plan Meet Your Needs?

From a physical and financial health perspective, it’s wise to examine your Medicare Advantage coverage each year. Medicare open enrollment takes place annually from Oct. 15 through Dec. 7. This makes fall a good time to start planning for the year ahead. The following considerations can help you determine whether your current plan meets your […]

How Fitness Benefits Can Help With Employee Burnout

Nearly half of U.S. employees are coping with burnout, according to a 2023 survey from Eagle Hill Consulting. In addition to personal struggles, burnout negatively impacts the workplace through increased health challenges, reduced productivity and higher turnover. As you seek ways to reduce employee burnout, remember the power of physical movement to improve mental health. […]

How Nutrition Impacts the Brain

Nutrition plays a critical role in brain function, as the brain is one of the most metabolically active organs in the body. The brain requires a constant supply of nutrients to maintain its structural and functional integrity, and a deficiency in any of these nutrients can significantly impact brain health. Certain nutrients have been shown […]

Mental Health Minute

Elevating Your Psychological Resiliency Psychological resilience is the ability to mentally withstand or adapt to uncertainty and adversity. Building resilience to life’s inevitable changes and challenges can help you cope with and manage stressors. It can also help protect you from various adverse mental health symptoms. Health care professionals are noticing stress and anxiety developing […]

What You Should Know About Medicare Enrollment

Medicare is health care coverage for those age 65 and older. It’s important to understand Medicare enrollment and coverage options to avoid penalties down the road. Whether you’re reaching the age of 65 or you’re older and switching from your workplace insurance to Medicare, it’s important to know how to navigate enrollment. Understanding Medicare Medicare […]

Tips for Managing Stress

The majority of Americans experience stress frequently. A 2022 survey found 84% of Americans experienced stress weekly, up from 78% in the previous year. In the short-term, stress can make you feel frustrated, nervous or angry. But the consequences of prolonged stress may be more severe. Research has shown that long-term stress can lead to […]

Keep Seasonal Depression at Bay

During winter, you may experience seasonal affective disorder (SAD). To combat this condition, consider the following remedies: For more health and wellness solutions, contact us today. By Zywave, Inc.

Staying Healthy in Winter

The winter months are notorious for bringing sickness. Flu season begins in October and ramps up into December. Colds are also more common during the winter months. Read on for tips on keeping yourself and your family healthy this winter. Why Are Sicknesses More Common in Winter? Viruses transmit more effectively in cold and dry […]

What to Know About This Year’s Flu Season

Influenza (flu) season lasts from October through May in the United States, with peak flu activity happening between December and March. The country’s flu activity has been unusual since the COVID-19 pandemic began, which could pose consequences for the upcoming season. Furthermore, flu season in the Southern Hemisphere may indicate what’s to come in the […]

Health Care Power of Attorney

Unlike a living will, which is usually reserved for terminally ill individuals, a health care power of attorney identifies the person who will make decisions on your behalf and carry out your wishes if you are incapacitated. Here are some things to consider when creating a health care power of attorney to manage your medical […]

988: America’s First Three-digit Mental Health Crisis Line

The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline (Lifeline) launched nationwide on July 16. Similar to dialing 911 for medical emergencies, people in emotional distress or suicidal crisis can call or text 988 and be connected immediately to trained counselors who will listen, provide support and connect people to resources if necessary. The three-digit dialing code is […]

The Benefits of Seasonal Produce

In today’s supermarket, it’s normal to see the same produce available year-round. However, that doesn’t mean the quality always remains the same. Eating seasonally means you are simply taking advantage of the harvest schedule and enjoying fully mature produce at the peak of its growing season. Seasonal eating can also help encourage you to eat […]

Exercise Without Injury

Did You Know? According to the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, exercise can improve your mood, fight chronic diseases, help manage your weight— the list goes on and on. To get the most from your regular workouts and decrease your risk of injury, you must warm-up, cool down and stretch. Warm-up Tips: Cool […]

Have a spooky, safe Halloween!

Celebrate Safely Do you remember how much fun it was to get dressed up as your favorite action hero, cartoon character or princess and go door to door for Halloween treats? Well, your children can now experience that same joy. Just as your parents did for you, now it’s your turn to prevent Halloween accidents […]

Tips for Sticking to Your Diet During the Holidays

The holidays bring to mind thoughts of family, friends, fun and food. However, each year, millions of Americans struggle to maintain their waistlines during the holidays while surrounded by tempting holiday treats. With so many social gatherings during this time, it can be difficult to avoid treating yourself when you’re offered good food and drinks. […]

Safety Tips for Exercising in Cold Temperatures

Exercising in cold temperatures can be challenging—but not impossible. Stay active this winter by using these safety tips for exercising outdoors in the colder months ahead. Don’t let the cold weather stop you from maintaining an active lifestyle—take the necessary safety precautions this winter to ensure a safe workout. By Zywave, Inc.

Home Care for the Cold and Flu

Did You Know? Many people visit the doctor even when they do not need a doctor’s expertise to diagnose and treat their symptoms. The next time you or someone in your family has a cold or experience flu-like symptoms (such as a sore throat, runny nose, cough, dizziness, fever or muscle aches), it may be […]

It’s American Heart Month: What You Need to Know about Heart Disease

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both women and men in the United States, causing about 647,000 deaths annually, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Heart disease is also an extremely expensive disease—costing the United States about $207 billion annually in health care, medications and lost productivity.  What […]