Does Your Medicare Advantage Plan Meet Your Needs?

From a physical and financial health perspective, it’s wise to examine your Medicare Advantage coverage each year. Medicare open enrollment takes place annually from Oct. 15 through Dec. 7. This makes fall a good time to start planning for the year ahead. The following considerations can help you determine whether your current plan meets your […]

Does Your Business Depend on an Irreplaceable Person?

Your business is a pillar of your community, and the name on the door is one that people recognize. Your business partner is a visible part of the brand you’ve spent years building, a cobranded asset that your clients and vendors have learned to trust. Think about what would happen if your partner suddenly died. […]

What Employers Should Know About FMLA and ADA Leave Requirements

Both of these federal laws, FMLA and ADA, have provisions involving employee leave, but eligibility and employer obligations vary. Employees seeking leave, changes to their work schedule, or other accommodations at work due to illness, injury, or ongoing medical treatments may have legal protections available to them under multiple laws. Several protections arise under two important […]

Do You Own a Recreational Drone?

Recreational drones, sometimes called unmanned aircraft systems or unmanned aerial vehicles, are growing in popularity every year. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reports that more than 871,000 drones were registered as of January 2023. And the number continues to grow. That means a lot of new operators and a lot of new opportunities for fun […]

Has Your Commercial Property Insurance Kept Up With Values?

Record-high inflation is pushing up the cost of everything, including property insurance. Commercial real estate insurance rates are up by at least double digits this year, which insurers largely attribute to higher construction and replacement costs and more frequent disasters. Though the Insurance Information Institute reported replacement cost increases slowed down slightly in the second […]

How Fitness Benefits Can Help With Employee Burnout

Nearly half of U.S. employees are coping with burnout, according to a 2023 survey from Eagle Hill Consulting. In addition to personal struggles, burnout negatively impacts the workplace through increased health challenges, reduced productivity and higher turnover. As you seek ways to reduce employee burnout, remember the power of physical movement to improve mental health. […]

Human Error Is Biggest Cause of Business Data Breaches

While most business owners understand the growing problem of cybersecurity failures, many small and midsize enterprises don’t have the resources to hire expert cyber risk teams. That said, companies must do something to prevent major financial losses from cyber incidents. The good news is it’s doable, because the overwhelming majority of cyber-related losses at small […]

What to Know About Internship Compensation

Minimize your Employment Compliance Risk by Getting Intern Compensation Right With summer comes an uptick in interns. Whether you have summer interns, or ones working for you during the school year, there are special considerations that should be given to interns, such as pay and ensuring a good learning experience. The Department of Labor is […]

Motorcycles and Insurance

Driving a motorcycle can be liberating, but it can also be dangerous. There are unique risks involving motorcycles, and accidents can be severe. The right insurance coverage is essential to protect yourself, your passengers, other drivers and your bike. Standard motorcycle insurance policies cover bodily injuries, property damage and liability to others. They can help […]

How Nutrition Impacts the Brain

Nutrition plays a critical role in brain function, as the brain is one of the most metabolically active organs in the body. The brain requires a constant supply of nutrients to maintain its structural and functional integrity, and a deficiency in any of these nutrients can significantly impact brain health. Certain nutrients have been shown […]

2023 Commercial Property Insurance Market Outlook

The past five years have seen the commercial property insurance market progressively harden, evidenced by consistent rate increases since 2017. However, according to industry data, such rate jumps showed some signs of stagnation in early 2022, with average increases staying within single digits. Going into 2023, rates are still on the rise. Some insureds are […]

7 Ways to Support Mental Health in the Workplace

Depression and anxiety cause an estimated loss of 12 billion working days every year, resulting in over one trillion dollars of lost productivity annually. As a result, mental health disorders are a primary cause of disability in the workplace. These staggering metrics highlight how critical the need has become for employers to recognize and support […]

May Is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reminds drivers that safe motorcycle riding and driving habits can help save lives. The main contributing factors to motorcyclist fatalities in a crash are speeding and alcohol use. There are several ways motorcyclists can help ensure a safe ride: Look Twice Save a Life Motorists must remember that […]

Mental Health Minute

Elevating Your Psychological Resiliency Psychological resilience is the ability to mentally withstand or adapt to uncertainty and adversity. Building resilience to life’s inevitable changes and challenges can help you cope with and manage stressors. It can also help protect you from various adverse mental health symptoms. Health care professionals are noticing stress and anxiety developing […]

Work Zone Safety for CMV Drivers

Commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers have a lot to consider when it comes to operating their vehicles safely. This is especially true during various seasons throughout the year—such as road construction season, which generally takes place from June through November. After all, road construction can create numerous hazards for CMV drivers, seeing as they must […]

What We’re Watching: Employer Compliance Across Benefits, HR, and Retirement

Staying updated on employer compliance can be a challenge. This monthly update is designed to highlight the latest developments impacting Employee Benefits, HR, and Retirement to keep your business running smoothly and minimize your compliance risk. March, 2023:Considerations for Adding ESG Investment Options to ERISA Retirement Plans While the DOL recently issued a rule that […]

What You Should Know About Medicare Enrollment

Medicare is health care coverage for those age 65 and older. It’s important to understand Medicare enrollment and coverage options to avoid penalties down the road. Whether you’re reaching the age of 65 or you’re older and switching from your workplace insurance to Medicare, it’s important to know how to navigate enrollment. Understanding Medicare Medicare […]

Vendor Management Best Practices

The relationships between a small business and third-party vendors and suppliers are incredibly important. Vendors and suppliers provide businesses access to basic materials, products and services, and can be essential to a company’s long-term success. Beyond the price of goods and services provided, there are many other factors to consider when selecting vendors and suppliers. […]

Engaging a Diverse Workforce – How You Can Help Your employees Thrive

According to the American Institute of Stress, 62% of employees have high levels of stress and are experiencing fatigue and a lack of emotional control. Employees are more stressed than ever, affecting their work life. Thirty-four percent of employees lose 1 hour a day in productivity due to stress. This stress is where employers can […]

Snowmelt Prevention Tips

As harsh cold warms to above-freezing temperatures, the accumulating water from melting snow and ice—also known as snowmelt—can lead to significant property damage. Review the following guidance for snowmelt prevention at your home. For more home guidance, contact us today. By Zywave, Inc.

Tips for Managing Stress

The majority of Americans experience stress frequently. A 2022 survey found 84% of Americans experienced stress weekly, up from 78% in the previous year. In the short-term, stress can make you feel frustrated, nervous or angry. But the consequences of prolonged stress may be more severe. Research has shown that long-term stress can lead to […]

Completed Operations Liability Considerations in the Construction Sector

Contractors and subcontractors in the construction industry face a wide range of completed operations liability exposures. After all, various construction tasks carry risks of third-party bodily injuries or property damage that may result from the finished work, possibly leading to costly lawsuits. Even quality workmanship is not immune to potential completed operations losses. Yet, considering […]

Keep Seasonal Depression at Bay

During winter, you may experience seasonal affective disorder (SAD). To combat this condition, consider the following remedies: For more health and wellness solutions, contact us today. By Zywave, Inc.