Top 10 Open Enrollment Pitfalls to Avoid

With annual open enrollment fast approaching, and the added stress the COVID pandemic has created, employers are looking for ways to head off delays or disruptions so that employees can focus on maximizing their benefit elections. Employees are paying closer attention to their benefits, and employers have an opportunity to educate employees like never before. […]

Fall Driving Tips

Each season presents unique driving circumstances, and autumn is no different. Consider these driving tips to stay safe on the road this season: No matter the season, it’s important to use caution, drive slowly and maintain a safe following distance from the car in front of you. By Zywave, Inc.

Maintaining Important Documents

Keeping important documents organized and accessible will save you time and hassle when you need them. As a good rule of thumb, if the document is difficult to replace or from the government, then it’s likely more important to keep it safe and secure for longer periods of time—even forever. Consider these maintenance guidelines for […]

How to Improve Employee Morale Amidst Uncertainty

To say employees are working under unique circumstances in 2020 would be considered an understatement by most. We are dealing with an intersection of stressors between the global pandemic, the impact of the resulting economic downturn, political divisions in an election year, and social unrest. Add in the upcoming holiday season and it may seem […]

How to Prepare for a Power Outage

You can’t control the weather—but you can take proactive safety measures to protect your family and home against the threat of power outages. Consider these tips: When the storm is approaching or the lights are already out, consider unplugging or turning off electronics and small appliances. Remember to keep freezer and refrigerator doors closed as […]

Managing Social Media Risks

Organizations continue to leverage social media channels to engage and interact with customers on a more personal level. Social media remains a great opportunity for businesses to connect with customers, job candidates and other stakeholders. However, before fully involving your business in social media, it’s important to understand the associated risks. Negative content, such as […]

How to Address COVID Fatigue in Your Workforce

Perspectives on How to Manage Personally and Professionally Through A Pandemic As the number of COVID-19 cases rise, entrenching us in the second wave globally, we’re seeing more people desperately searching for a sense of normality. But it’s critically important to recognize these behaviors and the reasons behind them to manage through this pandemic. The […]

How to Avoid Underinsuring Your Home

Your home is one of your greatest assets and a significant long-term investment. As such, it’s vital to protect your home and its contents with adequate homeowners insurance. Nevertheless, recent research found that many homeowners lack proper coverage. In fact, nearly 2 out of every 3 homes in America are underinsured—which means that the home […]

5 Ways to Start Your Year Off Right

Like many other people, you may be thinking about what you would like to accomplish in 2021 or what life changes you could make. Common New Year’s resolutions include losing weight, exercising, getting organized, learning new skills and saving money. “80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by mid-February because of self-discipline–or lack thereof.” – U.S. […]

Employer Advisory: Coronavirus Response and Relief Act Update

On December 27, 2020 the President signed the $900 billion Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Applications Act, 2021, which will provide assistance to individuals and businesses as part of a $1.4 trillion omnibus spending agreement. Below is a summary of employer related changes with the Bill: FAMILIES FIRST CORONAVIRUS RESPONSE ACT (FFCRA) EXTENSION: Includes an […]

Candle Safety Considerations

When the weather gets cold, you may want to cozy up indoors by lighting a candle or two. However, it’s important to keep candle safety considerations in mind when doing so. All it takes is a single candle mishap to quickly escalate into a devastating fire within your home. In fact, the National Fire Protection […]

Cyber Liability Trends for 2021

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic forced many businesses to send employees home to perform their jobs. Cybercriminals have found this new remote workforce a tempting target, unleashing phishing, malware and ransomware attacks. These threats exploit the weaknesses of many businesses’ cybersecurity systems. In 2021, businesses will see a continuation of these attacks and new, emerging […]

How to Prevent Frostbite

Being outdoors during winter months can expose you to cold weather conditions. Exposure to frigid temperatures can lead to various health complications—including frostbite. Frostbite is a cold-weather injury caused by a freezing of the skin and its underlying tissues. This condition most commonly occurs on the fingers, toes, nose, ears, cheeks and chin. Skin exposed […]

Employers Enhance Benefits To Address Growing Stress in the Workforce

Nine months into what has been dubbed the worst pandemic in modern history, it’s not surprising that employee stress, anxiety, and burnout continue to worsen. Employers have been forced to re-evaluate how to best support their workforce in spite of external forces and with limited financial resources. Although some companies have needed to reduce costs […]

Defensive Driving Tips

Although getting behind the wheel may seem like a simple, everyday task, it could be one of the most dangerous things you do all day long. As a defensive driver, you can help avoid motorized crashes and lower your risk of costly insurance claims. By utilizing defensive driving measures, you can help keep yourself and […]

Deepfakes Explained

Deepfakes refer to sophisticated forgeries of an image, video or audio recording. Deepfakes have been around for years—you can even find a version of them in social media applications. For instance, with Snapchat, face-changing filters take real-time data and feed it through an algorithm to produce a synthetic image. However, as the technology has evolved, […]

Prioritize Your Sleep

Sleep is just as important as nutrition and exercise to help you function at your best. But when you’re juggling work, kids and everyday life, a good night’s sleep may seem unattainable. In fact, 35% of people feel they don’t get enough sleep. Adults need seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night. In […]

Employer Strategies for Encouraging Vaccination

While mandating the vaccine for some employers is vital based on the potential risks, for others, encouraging vaccination rather than requiring it, might be the right path. Employers may consider the following strategies and tools to help encourage their employees to obtain the vaccine: While many employers will be looking to encourage the vaccine, any […]

Frequently Cited OSHA Standards – 2020

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) not only keeps records of the most frequently cited standards overall, but also within particular industries. Understanding these standards and taking proactive steps to avoid violations can go a long way toward ensuring workplace safety. When it comes to the manufacturing industry, the following standards are commonly cited […]

Common Auto Insurance Policy Questions

If a friend drives my car, is he or she covered by my policy? Since most insurance coverage is connected directly to the car, if someone else borrows your car occasionally, he or she should be covered under your policy. Yet, your premium is based on both your vehicle and the “primary” driver of that car—you. […]

Mental Health Support During the Pandemic

Rarely has there been a greater need for mental health support than now. Before the pandemic, there were already shortages of mental health professionals. For example, there were 45 psychologists or psychiatrists for every 100,000 Americans. In some places, that ratio was just one professional per every 30,000 people. Additionally, Mental Health America data reveals […]

An Employer’s Guide: American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

In the first sweeping legislation for the new 117th Congress, H.R.1319, a $1.865 trillion-dollar COVID-19 relief bill, becomes law. In addition to providing direct assistance to many Americans, namely through $1,400 in income tax rebates for eligible individuals and an increased child tax credit, the legislation also contains many provisions related to health insurance coverage […]

Prioritize Mold Prevention at Home

Mold is a fungus caused by excess moisture that can be damaging to your home, as well as a significant health hazard. Mold can look like spots and can be many different colors. If you see or smell it, remove it; you don’t need to know what type of mold it is. You just need […]